Erotic stories of Kirkland witch lover
Profile page of Kirkland witch lover. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Kirkland witch lover wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 655 times
I found love with WitchesI moved to a old part the state to restart my life after my divorce, luckily we had no children. She is a lawyer and decided her partner was better than me, I'm Kirk short for Kirkland 35. I work from home mostly and prefer it to a noisy office and so I moved away from where I could run into my ex at anytime to somewhere out of the way. I bought an old house and had it fixed up to suit my lifestyle and work. Closest neighbor about 200 hundred yards away and I put up a no trespass sign to show pe... reading time 4 mingenreStraightwritten on